Sound Bath with Eve from High Vibrations
Wednesdays monthly 7.30pm (Around 90mins) £15
Immerse yourself in the deeply meditative experience that is a sound bath. Relax and allow your body to sink into waves of sound vibrations, releasing, calming and healing. An experience not to be missed with a highly experienced professional sound healer and musician. Our Sound Baths have become a really popular event.
Everyone welcome, places must be booked and paid for in advance
To book please contact Victoria 07980 212960
Traditional Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Sunday 17 March 10am – 12pm £32
Two hours of blissful cacao, heart opening relaxation and connection.
Cacao is a heart opening, sacred medicine. Reconnect with your heart and soul, experiencing cacao bliss and sacred ancient energies with drum journeys and meditation. Suitable for everyone , no experience required 
Limited places
Created and led by a professional Cacoaoista with nearly 30 years experience and a passion for plant medicine. A deep dive into bliss and peace.
To book please contact Victoria 07980 212960
All ceremonies are held by a fully trained and Insured cacaoista with 30 years experience in ancient ceremony and energy medicine.
Terms and conditions for all events here